The Resident Minister of Waipahu Hongwanji is Jeffrey Daien Soga.
Waipahu Hongwanji Mission belongs to the Jodo Shinshu sect of Buddhism. Jodo Shinshu, whose mother temple is located at Nishi Hongwanji in Kyoto, Japan, has been in Hawaii for over 120 years. Its teachings spread to Waipahu in 1901 when Honpa Hongwanji appointed Rev. Josho Yempuku to become Waipahu Hongwanji's first resident minister.
Founded by Shinran Shonin, Jodo Shinshu's goal is to attain perfect enlightenment in Amida Buddha's O Jodo (Pure Land). To find true happiness and lasting peace in this world is to believe in Amida Buddha's Nembutsu. This is not easy since we are all consumed by our human passions and surrounded by life's problems and sufferings.
Despite our human weaknesses we are all embraced by the power of Amida Buddha's Primal Vow. Believing in this Vow will help us overcome life's sufferings and lead us to be born in the Pure Land.
Shinran Shonin was greatly influenced by the Larger Sukhavativyuha Sutra. Of Buddha's 48 Vows, it was the 18th Vow that Shinran considered the most important. It is this Vow that is at the root of Jodo Shinshu Buddhism. The Primal Vow is Amida Buddha's wish that we can be enlightened through the Nembutsu while putting our faith and trust in his compassion and wisdom.
“With Countenance benign
With Words gentle and kind"
Larger Sukhavatifyuha Sutra